Wednesday, January 16, 2008

The Waddles

Meet the Waddles!
We have a couple of new additions to the farm. We inherited the Waddles family-two geese- from our neighbor. I have found that geese are not fun and friendly like chickens and ducks! They like nothing better than hissing and snapping -especially at Buddy. He had a rude awakening when they turned hissing on him as he tried to chase them! An orange cat appeared out of nowhere looking into the porch windows Sunday and seems to have adopted us. He loves to come at night and have a stare down contest with Buddy thru the bedroom window. The cat wouldn't let me get close enough to take a picture or pet it, but he liked the food we left out for him.

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

January Blahs

The beautiful snow melted and now we have acres of mud. Got our new web site and store up and running-Come buy some CSA shares!!!

Thanks to Wendy-we are now researching how to grow hops-anyone with advice or experience???

Would love to hear from other organic farmers about their winter projects.